If what you seek is a '50s or '60s T-style replica with the ultimate tone, feel and playability, then Charles Whitfill is the luthier you’re looking for. His impeccable build quality, combined with his proprietary Usual Suspects pickups make for the finest vintage T-style replicas we know of.
- Body: 1 piece swamp ash
- Neck: 1 piece maple
- Nut width: 1.650"
- Neck dimensions: .840 @ 1st fret, .940 @ 12th fret
- Radius: 10"
- Neck shape: heavy C
- Pickups: Whifill propriety JB humbuckers by Onamac Windery
- Electronics: CTS pots, CRL switch, cloth wire, Oil and Paper capacitor
- Tuners: Gotoh vintage nickel
- Bridge: Gotoh vintage nickel, vintage style brass saddles
- Hardware: aged nickel plates, stainless screws
- Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz