We Buy Vintage

Destroy All Guitars is looking to purchase your ‘50s, ‘60s & ‘70s Fender Teles, Strats, P-Basses & Jazz Basses as well as any Gibson Les Pauls, SGs, Les Paul Juniors, Les Paul Specials, Flying Vs, Exlporers, Firebirds, ES335s and all other ES models.
We are also interested in bodies, necks, pickguards, pickups, wiring harnesses, jack plates, knobs, switches, switch tips, plates, tuning pegs and any other parts and pieces.
Please email cliff@destroyallguitars with photos, a full description of the guitar or parts and pieces, complete specs or as much as you can provide, disclosure of all defects, condition of the guitar, weight of the guitar, year the guitar was made, history of the guitar and your asking price. We will then review the photos and info and will reply to you with an offer or a pass notification.
We look forward to hearing from you!