NEW IN BOX. Black.
The miniFUZZ V2 combines the tones and options of both the miniFUZZ Si and the miniFUZZ Ge, giving you the option to switch between the distinctive tones of silicon or germanium. The miniFUZZ has a plethora of controls which allow you to dial in authentic vintage silicon or germanium tones and much more! The side Dip-Switch gives fast and easy access to the amazing new tonal options. We have added a switchable buffer to the miniFuzz. If you chose to engage the buffer you will be able to drive long cables and complex pedal setups with no loss of tone or change of tone when engaging the miniFUZZ. We have added a four setting tone control for tweaking the texture of the fuzz. Leave it off for bright gritty tones or select one of the options for a smoother, silkier tone. We still have controls for boosting the output or lifting the bass response. Most fuzz pedals can sound poor when using an external DC power-supply but the miniFUZZ’s built in battery simulator makes sure all DC plug in power sounds as good and as quiet as a battery.
Go from massive, sustaining “Violin” type tones, to gritty, fierce, true-vintage fuzz sounds. Go from almost broken sounding “Bender” type tones, to modern glitching, out-of-control big riff sounds.