Ivan Mulia makes guitars unlike anything else out there. With workmanship that is on a level that seems almost impossible, it is apparent from the moment you are near one of these guitars that you are in the presence of magic. Yet in spite of their other worldly quality iVee guitars are clearly the products of down-to-earth passion. There's no "artisan" intimidation factor here, just honesty in its purist form. These are instruments who's deep musicality extends all the way back to the originating spark of an idea in the builder's mind. Every curve of the etchings and the placement of every fret is somehow "musical." And that's even before you plug one in or pick one up to play it.
Ivan Mulia of iVee guitars is truly Indonesia's best kept secret.
Some cultural background from Ivan Mulia
It is known that the Hindus called Sumatra Swarna Dwipa (the island of gold), the place that became their destination in their search for gold. The Mandailing region (back then included in Pasaman region) is rich in gold. Mandailing in the old times was called Tano Omah Sigumorsing. The existance of gold in Mandailing can be traced during the Dutch colonialization; there was a gold mine in Mandailing Julu possessed by the Dutch which was called Tomball Uni. The goldmine was the second Dutch gold mine in Indonesia. The first one was in Pasaman and was called Manggani. This proof is enough to show that Hindu people came to Mandailing in the beginning of the century seeking gold. This gold search is told of by Rusli Amran (1981:222,278) quoting Couperus (in this Christmas, 5,1856) in his note Renege Aanteekeningen Betreffende DE Good Productie in DE Padang Sche Bovenlanden (Note About Gold Production in Padang). It is also noted by J. E. Meyer (1911) in his book Goud_en Zilberman Te Salido (Gold and Bronze Mine in Salido), and is also covered by S. Muller (1846) in his book Bijdragen Tot DE Kennis Van Sumatera (Donation for Knowledge of Sumatera).
The dragon is known as an animal myth all around the world. In Manggani, before they start digging a mine, they would sacrifice a soul as an offering. They would dig a hole and they would give 9 bodies of their guards as the offering. In the middle of the night, those bodies would be stolen by a dragon. If they found gold, that meant the dragon had left its dirt there. Until now, only people who had Bonjol blood could dig for mining in Manggani. There were so many slaves who lost their lives, were forced to work, lived in cages. Legend has it they would cheer themselves up in the silence of the nights by playing "the root song." The blues which lives in their lives with tears in their eyes - that's the price of the art of life. Live with tears, blood and sweat!
- SN: 160600
- Type: electric guitar
- Body, top & back: 1mm brass, etching plate, rustic brass w/ 1.6mm aluminum "dragon" inlays
- Body, sides: 1mm brass
- color: metallic silver
- Neck: sonokeling, medium V profile
- Scale: 24.625"
- Nut width: 1.7"
- Neck width @ 12th fret: 2.074"
- Neck thickness: 0.835" @ 1st fret, 0.906" @ 12th fret
- Fretboard: sonokeling, 5mm thick w/ aluminum inlays
- Radius: 12"
- No. of frets: 22, medium
- Nut: Graphtech tusQ
- String spacing at nut: 1.466"
- Head logo inlays: aluminum
- Machine heads: Kluson Deluxe Waffleback chrome
- Truss rod: double action
- Truss rod cover: aluminum
- Hardware: chrome
- Bridge & tailpiece: iVee special custom, brass, chrome plated
- String spacing at bridge: 2.045"
- Strap buttons: Diago twistlock
- Pickups: Ganee Hybrid Special
- Controls: CTS 500K volume & tone w/custom Top Bell Knob w/.033@400v Russian K40Y-9 Oak Grigsby 3-pos switching
- Control plate: brass etching
- Case: hardshell
- Weight: 10.6 lbs