Red Ochre is a small, secluded Tasmanian beach; a favourite place to go and chill, watch the waves roll in and listen to the sounds of the world. The beach itself is really very nice, but not all is as it seems. Red Ochre beach also has a wild side to it with restricted access, rocky outcrops, and high cliffs that can be as treacherous as they are beautiful. The word ochre refers to a natural clay pigment that comes in several colours. Sometimes it's red, sometimes yellow, and is used by our first nation's artists in their amazing and beautiful artwork. It is a very powerful medium. Re Ochre is a very fitting name for this treble booster.
​The Red Ochre is Van Diemans' premium treblebooster. Featuring OC44 or OC71 (when available), an OC45 or AC107 (standard) transistors, this treblebooster also houses either a 3 way switch or potentiometer that offers tone shaping to help you dial in your the perfect amount of bite or grunt. Added to that are a selection of NOS Philips, Mullard mustard and Mullard tropical fish capacitors, NOS Piher and/or Allen Bradley resistors. All of this is mounted to a hand crafted turret board. Alpha potentiometers, Neutrik or Cliff jacks and Dailywell switches are also utilized.
The tone selector switch can also be upgraded from the standard toggle switch to a high quality rotary switch with a matching knob if that look is preferred.
These pedals are finished in either gold or red powder coat. The Red Ochre is not offered in a hand painted finish.
Also available by request are on/off battery switches, a bias control and tone switching options.